5 Tips To Fall Asleep Faster

Do you struggle to fall asleep at night? Feeling restless, frustrated, and exhausted? 


Yeeeah... It's pretty standard nowadays.


Millions of people each year find themselves in the same boat. 


Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to help yourself drift off to dreamland faster. 


And in this article, we'll discuss just that! But first, let's briefly explain why sleep is the fundamental pillar of fitness, health, and wellbeing.


Why Is Sleep Important?

The benefits of sleep are far-reaching and well-documented. 


Getting a good night's sleep can improve everything from your mood to your heart health. 


Sleep is just as important for physical fitness as diet and exercise. 


When you're tired, your body struggles to perform at its best. You may feel sluggish and have trouble concentrating. 


Your reaction time slows, and your coordination suffers. You're also more likely to make mistakes, which can be dangerous if you play a sport or operate machinery. 


Sleep deprivation can also lead to weight gain. This is because lack of sleep disrupts the hormones that regulate hunger, causing you to feel hungry even when you're not.


Have you ever noticed how you eat more whenever you sleep less? Yeah.


Also, when you're tired you're more likely to make poor food choices and have less self-control. 


All in all, fitness is the primary, fundamental pillar of your fitness, health, and wellbeing plan.


So here are our 5 best tips to improve your sleep!


Reduce Screentime

It's no secret that we're a nation of insomniacs. 


And while many factors can contribute to sleepless nights, one of the most common is increased screen time before bed. 


The bright light from screens inhibits the production of melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate our sleep cycle. 


As a result, it's no surprise that reducing screen time before bed is one of the best ways to improve your sleep. 


Whether turning off the TV an hour before bed or putting away your phone as soon as you get into bed, making a conscious effort to reduce your screen time can help you get the restful night's sleep you need.


So here's a rule to follow - Put the phone/laptop/TV away from your bedroom!


Create A Pre-Bed Routine

According to the National Sleep Foundation, creating a pre-bed routine is one of the best ways to improve sleep. 


But what exactly is a pre-bed routine? And how can it help you sleep better? A pre-bed routine is simply a set of activities you perform in the hours leading up to sleep. 


By establishing a regular pre-bed routine, you can signal to your body that it's time to start winding down for the night.


This, in turn, can help you fall asleep more quickly and sleep more soundly. 


So what should you include in your pre-bed routine? That depends on what works for you, but some good options include reading, taking a bath or shower, and writing in a journal. 


Finding activities that help you relax and clear your mind before bed is essential. 


With a little trial and error, you're sure to find a pre-bed routine that works for you and leaves you feeling rested and refreshed.


Swipe Thoughts!

Anyone who has ever lain in bed wide awake, mind racing, knows how frustrating sleeplessness can be. 


And while there are many potential causes of insomnia, one of the most common is racing thoughts! 


When trying to fall asleep, our minds can suddenly become very active, filled with worries and concerns that prevent us from relaxing and drifting off to sleep. 


While it can be tempting to follow up with these thoughts and create an entire story, that shouldn't be the goal. 


Instead, it may be more effective to observe the thoughts dispassionately and let them pass by like clouds in the sky. 


With practice, you may find it easier to quiet your mind at bedtime and finally get the rest you need!


Ah, Caffeine!

While there are many potential causes of sleeplessness, experts say that caffeine is one of the most common culprits.


Most people know that coffee is a significant source of caffeine. Still, it's important to remember that this stimulant is also found in other foods and beverages, including tea, soda, and even some chocolates. 


Caffeine stays in your system for quite some time before it becomes less active and allows you to relax.


So if you're trying to wind down before bed, avoiding all forms of caffeine in the final six hours leading up to sleep is best. 


Otherwise, you may find yourself staring at the ceiling all night long!


Final Thoughts

Have you tried any of these tips to fall asleep faster? If not, what's stopping you? 


With just a few small changes to your bedtime routine, you could be snoozing like a baby in no time. 


And if all else fails, there's always counting sheep!


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