Revolutionise Your Workout with These 10 Bench Press Variations

Bench pressing is not just an essential exercise; it's a fundamental part of strength training that targets the upper body effectively. Whether you're a gym newbie or a seasoned lifter, incorporating various bench press variations can enhance muscle growth, improve strength, and prevent workout monotony. Here are 10 bench press variations that can transform your routine and keep your workouts exciting.


1. Flat Bench Press

The classic flat bench press is a staple in any workout routine. It primarily works the pectoral muscles, along with the shoulders and triceps. To perform it, lie flat on the bench, grip the barbell with hands wider than shoulder width, and press up from chest level.


2. Incline Bench Press

Targeting the upper chest, the incline bench press shifts some of the focus to your shoulders. Set the bench to a 45-degree angle, and press the barbell from chest height. This variation is excellent for developing the upper pectorals.


3. Decline Bench Press

This variation emphasises the lower part of the chest by setting the bench to a decline. It's similar to the flat bench but with the feet higher than the head, helping to engage the lower pecs more intensely.


4. Dumbbell Bench Press

Switching to dumbbells from a barbell helps improve muscle imbalances and increases the range of motion. Each arm works independently, challenging your stability and core.


5. Close Grip Bench Press

Focusing more on the triceps, the close grip bench press is performed with hands placed closer together on the bar. It's an excellent workout for arm development while still engaging the chest.


6. Wide Grip Bench Press

A wider grip reduces the range of motion but increases the load on the pectoral muscles. It's challenging and helps in strengthening the outer chest.


7. Floor Press

The floor press cuts the range of motion compared to a traditional bench press, focusing more on the triceps and the lockout phase of the lift. It's performed by lying on the floor and pressing the barbell until the arms are fully extended.


8. Larsen Press

Remove leg drive completely by extending your legs straight on the floor. This variation increases your upper body and core challenge, making it a stern test of your pressing capabilities.


9. Tempo Bench Press

Manipulating the speed of your reps, the tempo bench press involves a slower descent and a faster ascent. This increases time under tension, which is crucial for muscle growth.


10. Resistance Band Bench Press

Adding resistance bands to the barbell introduces variable resistance, meaning the lift gets harder as you press up. This is great for building explosive strength.



Incorporating these bench press variations into your workout routine can help you overcome plateaus, enhance muscle growth, and keep your gym sessions fresh and exciting. Each variation targets different muscle groups or aspects of muscle development, making your workout comprehensive and balanced.


Frequently Asked Questions


What muscles are worked in a bench press?

The primary muscle worked is the pectoralis major (chest muscle). Secondary muscles include the deltoids (shoulders), triceps (back of the arms), and the serratus anterior (side of the chest beneath the upper arm).


How often should I do bench presses?

This depends on your overall fitness goals and workout regimen. Typically, incorporating bench presses 2-3 times a week allows for adequate recovery and muscle growth.


What's the best way to warm up for bench pressing?

A proper warm-up should include dynamic stretches and light and progressive lifting before starting heavier weights. This prepares the muscles and joints for the workout, reducing the risk of injury.


Can bench press variations replace the standard bench press?

Variations can be used alongside or as a replacement, depending on your goals. They can be particularly beneficial if you focus on specific muscle groups or address weaknesses.


How do I choose the right weight for each variation?

Start with a lighter weight to master the form first. Once you're comfortable, gradually increase the weight while ensuring you can perform the desired number of reps with good technique.


Exploring these bench press variations allows you to maximise strength training and push your fitness to new heights. Consistency and proper form are key to progress, so keep pushing, and you'll see the results in no time!


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