Fitness, Strength Training Cedric Levy Fitness, Strength Training Cedric Levy

Primal Movement: A Functional Fitness Journey for Active Adults and Restless Parents

In our fast-paced, modern lives, losing touch with our bodies' innate abilities and the primal movements that once defined our existence is easy. But what if we told you that rediscovering these fundamental movement patterns could unlock a world of functional fitness, improved mobility, and overall well-being? Primal movement workouts offer a refreshing and effective approach to exercise, catering to the needs of active adults and restless parents alike.

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Fitness, Strength Training Cedric Levy Fitness, Strength Training Cedric Levy

The Squat: Is It For You?

The squat holds a venerable position in the fitness world, often hailed as the quintessential exercise for anyone keen on building strength, enhancing lower body and core stability, and boosting overall functional movement. Its benefits extend beyond the gym, fostering increased excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and engaging a comprehensive range of muscle groups.

Yet, mastering the squat is a journey that demands attention to form, technique, and individual physical nuances.

For many, the squat seems straightforward—lower your body as if sitting back into an invisible chair and then rise. However, the reality is that achieving proficiency in squatting is a complex process fraught with technical intricacies. The path to a perfect squat can be hindered by various obstacles, from anatomical challenges to past injuries, making it frustrating for some.

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