Cardio Training, Exercise, Fitness Cedric Levy Cardio Training, Exercise, Fitness Cedric Levy

When Should You Do Cardio?

"So, when is the best time to do cardio?" This is a question that I'm asked all the time at the gym.

People seem to think that there is one magical window of opportunity for getting in their cardio and that if they miss it, they're screwed.

In reality, though, there's no single answer to this question – it depends on your circumstances.

But in this post, I'll outline four different scenarios in which you might want to do your cardio and offer tips on making the most of each situation.

Stay tuned!

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Aerobic Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy Aerobic Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy

When Should You Do Cardio?

So, you're trying to get fit. Congratulations! You've made an excellent decision for your health and wellbeing.

But the question remains: when should you do your cardio?

There are a lot of different opinions out there, so it can be tough to know what's right for you.

This blog post will explore the different options and help you make the best decision for your fitness goals.

Ready to get started? Let's go!

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