The Easiest Way To Start A Workout - How To Start Your Fitness Journey

Working out can be daunting, especially when you're just starting.

Especially when you consider that it means committing yourself for the long haul if you want to get in shape.

That is to say, at least several months until you notice any appreciable results.

But what is the best way to start this journey of self-improvement, and what matters in it?

Well, first things first, it's the mindset.

Before you even think of stepping into the gym, you must get your mindset right.

For the most part, many people consider training and eating well something like a "chore."

And this is perhaps why we often slack or decide to ignore it.

But the most important thing is to realise WHY you're starting to workout and set your mind based on that.

Think of it this way - Training and eating well will allow you to:

  1. Look better

  2. Feel better

  3. Become healthier

  4. Perform better

  5. Be more capable overall

And that's just the good side of the coin. The harsh truth is that you will inevitably have to invest time and effort into it consistently.

So, instead of thinking of training as a "3-month training regimen" and your nutrition as a "diet plan", think of them as "establishing sustainable training and eating habits to sustain forever."

Secondly, you have to take baby steps to start training with ease.

Don't rush big and intense workouts.

Find what is in your daily life that is robbing you of movement and start from there.

Choose the stairs rather than the elevator.

Wash the dishes instead of using the dishwasher.

Walk or cycle instead of using cabs and buses, and avoid using your car for really short trips.

Last but not least, when you finally establish the habit of being more active in your daily life, consider starting weighted workouts.

Regarding how you feel, look, and are healthy, the benefits of weighted workouts are far too many, so don't miss out!

But also, hire an in-person or online fitness trainer or a coach to get you through the basics.

Because, after all, establishing a solid foundation at the beginning of your training process is essential for the long-term benefits you will reap!

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