Prehab/Rehab, Fitness Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab, Fitness Cedric Levy

Dynamic vs. Static Stretching: Which Should You Choose and When?

The fitness world has varied opinions on nearly every topic, and stretching is no exception. Two commonly discussed methods are dynamic and static stretching. Both have their merits, but their application depends on timing, the individual's goals, and the nature of the activity. Let's delve into the differences, their benefits, and when each should be used.

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Nutrition, Fitness, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Nutrition, Fitness, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

Coffee Chronicles: Caffeine's Direct Impact on Metabolism and Fat Burning

For many, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee is synonymous with the start of a new day. Beyond its status as a beloved beverage, the active component of coffee—caffeine—holds a special place in the world of fitness and metabolism. But what exactly does science say about caffeine's impact on our metabolic rate and fat oxidation?

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Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

The Science of Post-Workout Naps

A nap may seem unnecessary after an intense bout of strength training, metabolic conditioning, or high-intensity intervals. However, quality sleep is critical for muscle recovery, cognitive function, and performance. Here’s an in-depth look at the proven benefits of napping after exercise and how to optimise your post-workout nap schedule.

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Sports-Specific, Prehab/Rehab, Fitness Cedric Levy Sports-Specific, Prehab/Rehab, Fitness Cedric Levy

Essential Mobility Exercises For Common Sports

Dynamic stretching and mobility exercises are a vital part of any pre-workout warm-up. Improving mobility and range of motion in the joints and muscles prepares the body for athletic performance and helps prevent injury risk. The mobility requirements can vary widely depending on the sport. Here are some of the best mobility drills for pre-workout based on the typical sports of running, tennis, basketball, and weight training.

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Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

Cold Exposure and Health: Unpacking the Science Behind Cold Showers and Ice Baths

Cold exposure, often in cold showers and ice baths, is an age-old practice in various cultures. It has recently gained more recognition in the wellness and health industry, with proponents claiming multiple health benefits. But how many of these claims are supported by science? This article will investigate the research around cold exposure and how it might impact your health.

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Nutrition, Prehab/Rehab, Health Cedric Levy Nutrition, Prehab/Rehab, Health Cedric Levy

Optimising Your Diet for Better Sleep

It's late evening, and you're staring at the ceiling, counting sheep, waiting for the elusive Sandman. Sounds familiar? Sleep, or rather the lack of it, is a widespread issue with far-reaching consequences. While several factors contribute to a good night's sleep, your diet is important and shouldn't be overlooked. Optimising your diet can significantly improve the quality of your sleep. So, let's dive into this fascinating topic!

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Nutrition, Strength Training, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Nutrition, Strength Training, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

Boosting Metabolism After 40; Exercise and Nutrition Strategies

As we age, our bodies naturally undergo changes that can slow our metabolism. This metabolic slowdown can lead to weight gain and decreased energy levels, especially after age 40. But don't despair; turning 40 doesn't mean a sluggish metabolism is inevitable. There are plenty of strategies that you can employ to give your metabolism a boost, with exercise and nutrition being two of the most effective.

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Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy

The Role of Sleep in Athletic Performance and Recovery: Strategies for Optimising Rest and Performance

Sleep is critical to athletic performance, recovery, and overall health, and it plays a significant role in physiological functions such as muscle repair, memory consolidation, and hormonal regulation. As an athlete or fitness enthusiast, understanding the role of sleep in performance and recovery is essential for optimising your training and achieving your goals. In this article, we will discuss the importance of sleep for athletic performance and recovery and provide strategies to help you improve your sleep quality and overall well-being

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Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy

The Importance of Mobility Training: Techniques and Exercises for Improved Flexibility, Injury Prevention, and Athletic Performance

Mobility training is a crucial component of a well-rounded fitness routine, as it improves flexibility, prevents injuries, and enhances athletic performance. By incorporating various techniques and exercises, individuals can achieve a better range of motion, increased strength, and overall functional movement. In this article, we will discuss the importance of mobility training and provide some practical exercises and techniques to incorporate into your workout routine.

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Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

Cold Exposure Therapy (CET) - Should You Plunge?

You may have heard about cold exposure therapy if you're looking for a new way to improve your health and wellness.

This practice involves exposing your body to cold temperatures, such as cold showers or ice baths.

While it may seem intimidating initially, cold exposure therapy, or CET for short, has numerous physical and mental benefits.

But is it right for you? This article will explore CET's benefits and what you should consider before trying it out.

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Nutrition, Prehab/Rehab, Health Cedric Levy Nutrition, Prehab/Rehab, Health Cedric Levy

Should You Avoid Food At Night?

For many years, we have been aware that late-night snacking can negatively affect our health and weight management.

But is there any truth to the idea that eating food late at night is particularly bad for us?

This article looks closely at whether or not you should avoid food at night.

We will explore the potential risks of eating too close to bedtime and some strategies for making smart dietary choices after dark.

With all of this, we will hopefully arrive at an informed conclusion about the benefits of avoiding certain foods at night.

So if you're curious about whether you should be giving into your cravings after hours or skipping out on snacks in the evening, read on and find out!

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Prehab/Rehab, Fitness Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab, Fitness Cedric Levy

Mobility VS Flexibility - What To Focus On?

Most people think of mobility and flexibility as the same. But, in reality, they are two different things - with different goals.

So, what should you focus on to get the most out of your physical capabilities?

Here's a look at the critical differences between mobility and flexibility - and what you need to know to choose the right one.

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Nutrition, Supplements, Health, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Nutrition, Supplements, Health, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

Are Protein Shakes Good For You?

Protein shakes have become increasingly popular as a convenient and easy way to supplement protein intake, particularly for people looking to build muscle, lose weight, or recover from workouts.

However, there is a lot of debate and conflicting information about whether protein shakes are truly good for you.

Some argue that they are an essential part of a healthy diet, while others claim they are unnecessary or harmful.

In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of protein shakes and give you our take on whether or not they are truly good for you.

It's important to note that the article will aim to provide a balanced and impartial view on the topic so the reader can make an informed decision.

The article will consider the different sources of protein, the recommended daily intake of protein, and the benefits and risks associated with consuming protein shakes.

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Prehab/Rehab, Nutrition, Supplements Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab, Nutrition, Supplements Cedric Levy

Creatine For Weight Loss - Does It Help?

Are you trying to get shredded, buffed up, or stay fit? If so, you might've heard about many 'miracle' supplements like creatine and wonder - does it work for weight loss?

Welcome, fellow fitness fanatics!

Today we'll discuss the hottest topic in bodybuilding – can creatine help break those pesky weight loss plateaus and give you that perfectly sculpted muscle physique?

Let's dive right in - hopefully, your doubts will become clear by the end of this blog post

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Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

3 Post-Workout Recovery Tips

Ready to take your post-workout recovery routine to the next level? If so, you're in luck!

Whether you've just hit up a gym session, spin class, or outdoor run, there's nothing like giving your body the care and attention it deserves after all that sweat and sweet exertion.

But what matters the most when it comes to getting the most out of your recovery phase?

In this article, we'll discuss just that, so read on to find out!

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Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy

The Art Of Active Recovery

Do you like taking long walks on the beach? Or spending time in nature? How about a leisurely bike ride on a sunny day?

If so, then you might be interested in active recovery.

What is active recovery, you ask? Great question! An active recovery is a form of rest that helps the body recover from strenuous exercise.

Unlike passive recovery (i.e., sitting around all day), which does nothing to improve your fitness level, active recovery increases your heart rate but doesn't wear you out.

Think of it as the best of both worlds - resting and recuperating while also getting some physical activity.

Curious to learn more? Read on as we unveil the benefits of active recovery, and tell you our 3 favourite ways to use it!

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Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

The Promise Of Magic (And Why The Fitness Industry Is Screwed)

Regular people have an innate love of magic. From a young age, we're entranced by the possibilities of things that can't be explained.

We want to believe in the impossible because it makes life more fun and exciting.

And there's no place where this is more apparent than in the fitness industry.

Every day, new miracle products and diets promise to help us achieve our perfect bodies with little effort.

But as anyone who's ever tried them knows, these promises are nothing but a load of money-sucking lies.

In this article, we'll review the two common ways' fitness wizards' fool people and then tell you what to focus on instead.

Stay tuned!

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Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

Stretching - Should You Do It?

Stretching is widely regarded as a means of improving flexibility and preventing injury, but for many, it's just a dull routine before exercise.

Stretching can be tedious, so people often rush through their exercises without thinking about why they implement certain practices before their workout.

But truth be told, it's not just a pointless activity as it can significantly help with recovery and the overall feeling of your muscles.

In this article, we'll give you insight on the types of stretching one can do and WHEN you should do it!

Without further ado, let's get to it!

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Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab, Sports-Specific Cedric Levy

Injury Prevention 101

You've probably heard it before: prevention is the best cure. But what does that mean for your fitness routine?

This blog post will explore some essential injury prevention tips that will help you stay safe and healthy while working out.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, these tips will help you reduce the risk of injury and maintain your progress.

So let's get started!

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