5 Ways To Add Complexity To Sprints

It's a common belief that the best way to become faster and more efficient at sprinting is to keep things simple. 


But is that true? Or can adding complexity lead to even better results? 


In this post, we'll look at five ways you can add complexity to your sprinting workouts - and see how they can help you achieve even better results. 


Are you ready to take your sprinting game up a notch? Let's get started!


But first…


Why Sprints?

You should think twice if you rely mainly on squats and leg extensions to develop your legs.


Sprints are an excellent way to develop the lower body, as they are, by all characteristics, a muscle and strength-building exercise. 


Not only do sprints help you build lean muscle mass, but they also improve your overall cardiovascular fitness, balance, and explosiveness.


Sprints are a great way to increase your heart rate and blood flow. 


And, as an additional bonus, they also help to tone your booty! 


So if you're looking for a way to build strong legs and a firm butt, or diversify your leg training, start incorporating some sprints into your workout routine. 


Now let's look at four ways to add complexity to your sprint workout!


Run Longer

One thing is universally understood regarding sprinting: the longer the distance, the more challenging the workout. 


But what if we told you that progressively overloading during a sprint workout can be just as simple as running a bit longer? 


That's right - it's like increasing reps in a normal weight-training workout. 


By gradually adding distance to your sprints, you'll not only see an increase in your speed and endurance, but you'll also be better able to handle the intensity of a race. 


If you've done five strides of 50 meters up until this point and you're looking for a new challenge, take the first or final couple of strides to 80-100 meters!


Go Uphill

You can try going uphill if you don't quite vibe with a long distance and want to spice up your sprint workout. 


It may seem counterintuitive - after all, sprinting is about going as fast as you can - but running at full speed up a slight incline can help you improve your speed and endurance. 


The key is to find a hill that isn't too steep; you should be able to maintain most of your full sprinting speed without having to slow down too much. 


Not only will going uphill help to increase your speed and endurance, but it will also make your muscles work harder, and as a result, you get a more intense workout and, of course, a better stimulus.


Next time you are looking to mix things up, forget the treadmill and head for the hills.


Run On Sand

Another great way to add an extra challenge to your sprint workouts is to run on sand, and it's a neat way to build leg strength and improve your running form. 


And if you want to spice things up, try sprinting on the public beach in town.


The soft, uneven surface will test your balance and coordination. 


Just be sure to wear proper footwear to protect your feet from the hot sand... and jump in the water afterwards!


Add Some Weight

You've probably seen those peeps at the gym who are always sprinting on the treadmill with a weighted vest on. 


And you're probably thinking, "Why the heck would they do that?" Well, there are some benefits to sprinting with extra weight. 


First, it forces your muscles to work harder, leading to more significant gains in strength and power. 


Besides, it can help to improve your strength and endurance.


And last but not least, adding some weight is an excellent way of progressively overloading your sprints.


You can do so with a weighted vest, ankle weights, or even better - pulling a sledge. 


If you're looking for a new challenge, weighted sprints are a must-try!


Final Words

Complexity breeds progress. By adding more complexity to your sprints, you'll not only be able to create a better stimulus for improvement, but you will also diversify your leg workouts a bit more!


So, wait no more; get started on your sprints today!


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