A Quick Guide To Optimal Recovery

What Is Recovery?

As any athlete knows, the key to success is in recovery. That's why, after a long day of training, it's essential to take some time to rest and recuperate. 


But what exactly is recovery? And what are the best ways to ensure that your body can recover effectively?


Recovery is the process of rebuilding and repairing following strenuous activity. It helps to restore energy levels, repair muscles, and remove wastes and toxins from the body. 


By focusing on recovery, you can ensure that your body can handle the demands of training... and progress further! 


And that means you'll be one step closer to achieving your fitness goals.


What Matters For Recovery?

Okay, so what does recovery entail? Resting may be the first thing that comes to mind, but there's a bit more to it. 


There are, in fact, a few key things that matter for recovery from physical activity. 


These are namely:


1. Food

2. Water

3. Sleep

4. Stress Management

5. Time.


Let's take a look at each one individually.



What do you think is the essential element for recovery? Is it rest? Hydration? a good 8-hour shut-eye? 


While all of these are important, the one thing that is essential for recovery is food. 


That's right, without proper nutrition, your body will not be able to repair itself properly after vigorous exercise. 


Just as a car needs the right fuel to run correctly, your body needs the proper nutrients to recover from strenuous activity. 


Perhaps the most essential nutrient in our diets is protein.


Because protein is essential for the body and builds up most tissues, enzymes, and hormones, you must find quality sources and include them in your eating habits regularly.


The general recommendations are to get 0.8-1g of protein per lb of bodyweight, mainly from animal foods.


However, you can build a habit of getting in 3 high-protein meals daily without counting calories.


This is a good start!



It's no secret that water is essential for our survival, and we need it to stay hydrated, power our cells, and flush out toxins. 


But did you know that water is also crucial for recovery? When you work out, your muscles are damaged, and your energy sources are drained. 


Not to mention, many vital minerals/electrolytes leave the body with your sweat.


For them to repair and grow stronger, they need water. Water helps to deliver nutrients to the muscles, and it also helps to remove waste products that can build up as byproducts of your vigorous activity. 


Besides, water is essential for any other process in the body.


If you want to speed up your recovery time, ensure you're staying hydrated. 


And again, there's no need to count every sip of water - make it a habit to always have a bottle of fresh mineral/spring water with you... and sip from it regularly!



Sleep is essential to our daily lives, yet we often don't get enough of it. 


A good night's sleep is crucial for our bodies to recover from the day's activities, especially training activities. 


When we sleep, our bodies can better repair damaged cells and tissues, and we also consolidate our memories from the day. 


This means getting a good night's sleep is essential for proper recovery. 


Without adequate sleep, our bodies will not be able to recover correctly, and we may start to feel the effects of fatigue. 


If you feel tired during the day, make sure to get extra sleep at night (at least 6-7 hours of sleep, total.)


And if needed, take a power nap now and then!


Stress Management

When stressed, the body releases hormones that can hinder the recovery process in many ways. 


In addition, stress can also lead to poor sleep quality and loss of appetite, which can further impair the body's ability to recover. 


The most critical factor in stress management is to stay aware of yourself.


Respond, rather than react and always observe yourself and how inevitable push your buttons.


Last but not least, recovering from workout to workout is a lot about giving the body enough time.


Generally speaking, intense, resistance training-based workouts would require you to give the body 48-96 hours of rest before training the same muscle groups again.


Pair that time window with good food, hydration, and sleep, and you will achieve successful adaptations (gains!)


To Wrap It Up

So how do you optimise your recovery? What are some key things to keep in mind? 


We've outlined the basics for you, but if you want more specific information or advice tailored to your own needs, be sure to consult with us! 


The better you recover, the sooner you can hit the gym again and start seeing results!


The Minimum Effective Dose for Training and Nutrition


Using Awareness To Counter Stress