Colour Psychology: How Colours Affect Mood & Emotions

Have you ever wondered why certain clothes make you feel more confident or what draws you to a particular brand?


Well, the answer might be straightforward - colours.


You are surrounded by various colours that might significantly impact your moods and thoughts more than you think.


So, let's figure out to what extent and how exactly colour can affect you. 


What Is Colour Psychology

Scientifically speaking, colours are the light the human eye can see, each in the form of a different wavelength.


Colour psychology, though, has nothing to do with this.


It is a relatively new area in psychology that studies the perception of colours and how they affect our moods, behaviours, and emotions.


Despite the general lack of research, many discoveries have shown that colours affect our thinking and perception of the world around us.


Nowadays, colour psychology is used in many fields, including marketing, design, and therapy.


Let's delve into the meaning behind each of the colours.


How Colors Affect Us

As with any science, colour psychology is not exactly straightforward.


Although colours affect our psyche, this effect differs across cultures and sometimes from person to person.


With this in mind, let's look at every colour separately.



Remember how each colour has a different wavelength?


Well, fun fact - white is, technically, all the colours put together.


It is most often associated with feelings of purity, cleanliness, and calmness, which is why many brands widely use it for its design.


On the other hand, too much of the colour white can evoke a feeling of sterility and coldness. 


However, it is considered a mourning colour worn to honour someone's death in Eastern cultures.



On the other side of the spectrum, black is the complete lack of wavelengths or the absence of light.


The duality behind the colour black comes from the variety of associations it raises in the human brain.


For example, when it comes to clothing and design, black is considered timeless and can make you feel sleek, powerful, and strong.


On the other hand, across Western cultures, black is associated with fear and even death - therefore, it is no surprise that people wear black to funerals.


It can also induce pessimistic emotions, sadness, and loneliness.



Perhaps the biggest contender for the most contradictory colour is red.


Let's start with the negative - red can raise a sense of danger and aggressiveness in your brain.


Therefore, it is no surprise that it is widely used in many preventative campaigns and sports to assert dominance over the opposite team or player.


Alternatively, red is associated with desire and passion - wearing red can be perceived as more attractive than the other colours.



Another one of the primary colours - green, is often associated with nature and energy, which is why it has a calming effect on the brain.


Conversely, depending on the shade (usually a more yellowish green), it can create a negative emotion as it is associated with illness.



Blue is a very soothing colour - it can calm your mood and thoughts. 


Though beware - it is also linked to sadness and loneliness - no wonder people say they are feeling blue!



Besides being the signature colour of autumn, orange is also very vibrant and can lift your mood and make you feel energetic. 


It is a vibrant colour that grabs the attention, which is why it is often associated with playfulness. 



Yellow is probably the most vibrant colour, making it the most tiring for the human eye. 


It has some controversy - some find it fills them with feelings of optimism and cheerfulness; however, it can cause frustration for others.


It can also make you feel like you are in danger - nearly all caution signs have yellow.



Brown is one of the dark colours and is naturally associated with more negative emotions like boredom, dullness, and isolation.


For some people, though, it can induce feelings of security and warmth as it is often linked to the colour of wood and earth - all things that represent nature.



Pink is often seen as the colour of femininity and can bring out feelings of being flirty and calm.


However, too much of it can make you feel irritated and angry.



As purple is not a very natural colour, it induces feelings of curiosity and imagination. 


So maybe, next time you struggle with a creative task, putting on something purple might help you connect with your creative side.


To Wrap It Up

So far, we have reviewed what colour psychology is and how colours can affect our current states and emotions.


It's important to remember that the meanings behind each colour can differ depending on an individual's culture and personal preferences.


What you can do, however, is reflect on what they mean to you and how you can utilize them in your everyday life.


And the next time you need a mood boost, try to surround yourself with the colour that makes you happy - perhaps something warm?


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