Mindset Cedric Levy Mindset Cedric Levy

How to Stop Bad Habits from Derailing Your Progress

Bad habits can derail your progress and sabotage your results. These habits are the antithesis of keystone habits, positive behaviours that can spark a chain reaction of other good habits. Understanding how to stop bad habits requires a deep dive into the mechanics of habit formation, particularly the concept of habit loops.

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Fitness, Mindset, Mindfulness, Health Cedric Levy Fitness, Mindset, Mindfulness, Health Cedric Levy

Navigating the Path to Fitness When Your Partner Isn't On Board

Embarking on a fitness journey is an exhilarating commitment to one’s health and well-being, but what happens when your most significant supporter, your partner, doesn't share the same enthusiasm? This common predicament can turn the path to personal transformation into a solitary trek filled with unique challenges and emotional hurdles.

The essence of this journey isn't just about shedding pounds or building muscle; it's deeply rooted in the quest for a healthier lifestyle, a pursuit that ideally should be supported by those closest to us. However, when our partners remain on the sidelines, navigating this journey with sensitivity, understanding, and resilience is crucial.

This article explores practical strategies for maintaining your fitness goals while nurturing your relationship. From communication techniques that foster understanding to finding compromise without sacrificing your objectives, we'll delve into balancing your health aspirations with the dynamics of a partnership where fitness isn't a shared priority.

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Mental Health, Mindset Cedric Levy Mental Health, Mindset Cedric Levy

Mental Toughness: Can It Really Be Trained?

When we think about mental toughness, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing it's all about enduring hardship with a stiff upper lip or powering through challenges with sheer willpower. For many, it's a concept that seems as elusive as desirable. Whether mental toughness can be trained or if it's an innate quality you're born with or without is a debate that surfaces repeatedly.

The standard narrative often pits inherent ability against growth potential, leading some to conclude that mental toughness is a fixed trait. However, this viewpoint is limiting and needs to be more accurate. It needs to consider the depth and nuance of mental toughness and how it can be cultivated.

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Fitness, Mindset, Health, Nutrition Cedric Levy Fitness, Mindset, Health, Nutrition Cedric Levy

Facing the Second Half of Your Fitness Life

Entering the second half of your fitness life is a pivotal moment that prompts introspection and, more importantly, a choice.

It's about deciding to age gracefully, embracing the changes that come with time rather than resisting them out of fear or denial. This phase of life doesn't signify the end of physical capability but rather a transition into a period where wisdom, experience, and a mindful approach to health take precedence.

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Mindset Cedric Levy Mindset Cedric Levy

Biofeedback Training: Harnessing Mind-Body Connection for Fitness

Have you ever wondered if you could listen to your body, understand its signals, and respond in real-time to optimise your fitness levels? What sounded like science fiction until a few decades ago is now a reality, thanks to biofeedback training. It's a powerful technique that allows you to harness the mind-body connection to improve physical performance, enhance recovery, and reduce stress. Intrigued? Let's delve into biofeedback and discover how it can revolutionise your fitness journey.

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Mindset Cedric Levy Mindset Cedric Levy

The Psychophysiology of Willpower for Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Willpower is the inner strength and resolve to make and maintain decisions and actions, such as lifestyle changes that involve diet, exercise, and other health-related behaviours. It's a resource heavily drawn upon for self-improvement, with its roots deep in both psychology and physiology. Understanding the psychophysiology of willpower can illuminate why making and keeping healthy lifestyle choices can be challenging and, more importantly, how to strengthen this vital resource effectively.

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Mental Health, Mindfulness, Mindset Cedric Levy Mental Health, Mindfulness, Mindset Cedric Levy

Weather and Seasons: Their Profound Impact on Mood and Mental State

The rhythmic dance of seasons, shifting from spring's vibrant hues to winter's icy embrace, doesn't just affect our environment. It has profound implications for our mental and emotional well-being. From the folklore of ancient civilisations to modern psychological research, the correlation between weather, seasons, and human mood has been consistently acknowledged. Let's explore how and why these natural phenomena influence our mental states.

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Nutrition, Changing Habits, Mindset Cedric Levy Nutrition, Changing Habits, Mindset Cedric Levy

The Hard Truths You Need to Know About Weight Loss

Starting a weight loss journey can offer both excitement and difficulty. While the internet is flooded with fad diets, miracle pills, and quick-fix solutions, it's essential to separate fact from fiction. In this blog, we will explore the hard truths about weight loss. Buckle up because achieving and maintaining a healthy weight requires more than willpower and desire. Let's dive in.

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Nutrition, Stress, Mental Health, Mindset Cedric Levy Nutrition, Stress, Mental Health, Mindset Cedric Levy

Stress and Eating Behaviour: The Underlying Physiology and Mechanisms

The correlation between stress and altered eating behaviour has intrigued researchers for years. It's a common phenomenon: under heightened stress, some of us gravitate toward calorie-dense, sugary, or fatty foods. Meanwhile, others may lose their appetite altogether. This intricate relationship is deeply entrenched in our biology and has evolved over thousands of years. By diving into the underlying physiological mechanisms, we can better understand how and why stress moulds our dietary choices.

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Fitness, Mindset Cedric Levy Fitness, Mindset Cedric Levy

Timing Your Fitness Journey: When to Begin Based on Your Goals

Embarking on a fitness journey is a significant commitment that requires careful planning, unwavering determination, and immense discipline. While the first step is often the hardest, timing your start appropriately can make a substantial difference in the effectiveness of your efforts. In this article, we explore the importance of timing in commencing your fitness journey, highlighting its role in achieving your desired health outcomes.

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Health, Changing Habits, Mindset Cedric Levy Health, Changing Habits, Mindset Cedric Levy

Cultivating a Morning Routine for Success: The Path to A More Productive Day

Ask any successful person about their daily routine, and it's almost guaranteed that they will have one thing in common - a well-structured, intentional morning routine. It's no coincidence. How we start our day sets the tone for the rest, impacting our mood, productivity, and overall success. In this article, we will delve deeper into the importance of a morning routine and explore some strategies you can use to optimise your mornings for success.

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Mindset, Health, Fitness Cedric Levy Mindset, Health, Fitness Cedric Levy

You Are One Decision Away From Your Fittest Self

Are you ready to unleash your inner athlete and become your fittest self? It all starts with a straightforward decision.

That's right; just one choice can kickstart a transformational journey toward a healthier, happier you.

Whether you're stuck in a fitness rut or just looking to take your workouts to the next level, the power of making a single impactful decision cannot be underestimated.

So, are you ready to take that first step toward greatness?

Let's dive in and discover how one decision can change your entire fitness game.

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Fitness, Health, Mindset Cedric Levy Fitness, Health, Mindset Cedric Levy

The Warped Perception Of Modern-Day Fitness

The modern-day fitness industry has become a multi-billion dollar business with overwhelming information at our fingertips.

Yet, despite this abundance of resources, the perception of fitness has become increasingly distorted.

Social media platforms are filled with images of chiselled bodies, quick fixes, and miracle diets, promoting the idea that fitness is solely about aesthetics.

This warped perception has resulted in unrealistic expectations, dangerous practices, and an unhealthy relationship with exercise.

This article will delve into the distorted perception of modern-day fitness and explore how it has impacted our understanding of health and wellness.

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Mindset, Fitness Cedric Levy Mindset, Fitness Cedric Levy

The Mental Side of Fitness: How to Overcome Self-Doubt

Fitness is not just about physical activity and exercise; it is also about mental toughness and perseverance.

Often, the biggest obstacle to achieving our fitness goals is not physical limitations but self-doubt.

Negative self-talk, fear of failure, and comparisons to others can all lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, derailing our fitness journeys.

Overcoming self-doubt is essential to achieving fitness success, as well as in other areas of our lives.

This article will explore the mental side of fitness and provide strategies to help you overcome self-doubt and build confidence.

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Mindset Cedric Levy Mindset Cedric Levy

Productive Procrastination In Gym-Goers

Productive procrastination is an unfortunate reality for most gym-goers.

Dedicated athletes always strive to learn more information, subscribe to various newsletters and stay up-to-date on the latest tips and tricks.

While this is okay and shows that a person is genuinely interested in physical improvement, most people often forget to put in the work.

Without putting that information into practice, all this knowledge doesn't lead to improved performance or results.

To truly make the most of your gains in the gym, you need to take actionable steps based on your acquired knowledge.

Otherwise, all of your efforts have been wasted.

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Mindfulness, Mindset Cedric Levy Mindfulness, Mindset Cedric Levy

How Meditation Can Help You Get Fit

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the idea of getting fit? All those sit-ups and lunges can be daunting, especially if you let stress get in the way.

Well, we just so happen to have an ancient method of dealing with that dreaded feeling—meditation!

Yes, we said it: meditation might be the key to achieving your fitness goals without all the frustration.

It may be counterintuitive since we often associate fitness with vigorous gym sessions. Still, the truth is that getting fit is, to a considerable extent, a matter of recovery.

And meditation can help with just that.

Let's discuss it!

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Nutrition, Mindset, Health, Changing Habits Cedric Levy Nutrition, Mindset, Health, Changing Habits Cedric Levy

Fat Loss 101 | PT 2 - Keeping The Fat Off

Like many gym-goers, you're probably looking to drop a few (or more) pounds.

In this blog post series, we'll further dig into fat loss to help you understand it in its entirety.

In part one, we talked about the role of diet in weight loss.

This week, we'll look at how to maintain your hard-earned results once you've achieved them.

So hit the showers, dry off, and read on for some helpful tips!

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Health, Mental Health, Mindset Cedric Levy Health, Mental Health, Mindset Cedric Levy

Colour Psychology: How Colours Affect Mood & Emotions

Have you ever wondered why certain clothes make you feel more confident or what draws you to a particular brand?

Well, the answer might be straightforward - colours.

You are surrounded by various colours that might significantly impact your moods and thoughts more than you think.

So, let's figure out to what extent and how exactly colour can affect you.

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Health, Mindset Cedric Levy Health, Mindset Cedric Levy

Trends VS Sustainable Habits

How many times have you started a brand new diet or fitness plan, vowing that this is the time you finally stick with it?

And how many times has that failed after just a few weeks?

Yeah, we get it... but listen, you're not alone. Every other day, there's a new trend in the health and fitness world, but most of them don't last.

So what's the key to sustainable progress? In this article, we'll learn more about just that!

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