Fitness, Mindset, Health, Nutrition Cedric Levy Fitness, Mindset, Health, Nutrition Cedric Levy

Facing the Second Half of Your Fitness Life

Entering the second half of your fitness life is a pivotal moment that prompts introspection and, more importantly, a choice.

It's about deciding to age gracefully, embracing the changes that come with time rather than resisting them out of fear or denial. This phase of life doesn't signify the end of physical capability but rather a transition into a period where wisdom, experience, and a mindful approach to health take precedence.

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Cedric Levy Cedric Levy

Why Compound Movements Should Be At The Foundation of All Of Your Training

If you are setting out on your strength-building journey, you have probably started hearing the term "compound exercises" in the gym or chatting with your friends.

Often it is mentioned in the context of something you should try in the gym. Still, without much information on what precisely a compound movement is, it is almost impossible to add them to your training program!

This article is here to help. Here, we will focus on compound movements in much greater detail, explaining what they are, what benefits they can bring to your training and some examples of compound movements that you can use.

So, let's dive straight in and take your training to the next level.

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Fitness Cedric Levy Fitness Cedric Levy

Things you need in a gym bag

What do YOU have in your gym bag? For the most part, a successful workout is a matter of having good nutrition beforehand, along with the dedication to go to the gym even when you don't feel like it... And though that is true, there are things you can put in your gym bag, which can help you perform better. Here are our top 6:

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