The First Rule Of Muscle Gaining

If there's one thing I've learned in the gym, it's that there are many basic rules you should abide by.


And if you want to make gains, you'd better learn them fast. 


Another thing is that there are no shortcuts - you have to put in the work. 


And it's not just hard work; it must be smart work - working hard around the fundamental principles.


This is especially valid for a challenging process like muscle gaining, but rest assured - with a bit of dedication and knowledge, you can turn your body into a lean, mean muscle-building machine. 


In this article, we'll talk about the fundamental principle of muscle growth that you can't "hack" your way around.


Let's get started!


Why Do Muscles Grow?


Do you ever wonder why your muscles seem to grow after a streak of gruelling workouts? 


It's not just "toning" because, first, toning is a myth, and second, muscles undergo physical changes in response to new, previously unknown stress. 


When you subject your muscles to a novel form of stress, they respond by growing larger and stronger. 


This increased size and strength allow them to withstand stress in the future better. 


Muscle growth is your body saying, "alright, let's see what else you got."


But the term "previously unknown stress" is quite generic, so let's narrow this down to a more specific definition.


Rule Number One


Most people new to weightlifting often ask, "How do I gain muscle?" 


The answer is quite simple: progressive overload. 


Progressive overload is the gradual increase of stress placed on the body during exercise. 


"Oh, so I just have to lift heavier?"


Well, yes and no. 


Progressive overload is not just about lifting heavier weights - it's about challenging your muscles in new ways. 


You will force your muscles to adapt and grow by constantly challenging them with new stimuli. 


Now, without further ado, let's look at the four tried and tested ways to realise the principle of progressive overload.


Increase Weight

There is no shortage of advice on how to overload your training progressively. 


But what is the most effective way to do it? Well, the most common method is to increase the training weights. 


Besides bulk muscle growth, increasing the weights will also stimulate strength gains, which compounds benefits in time.


Nevertheless, it would be best if you didn't go too quickly about it.


Here's a sample progression you can use in your workouts:


Step 1 - Start with a challenging weight and do five sets of 5 reps

Step 2 - With every workout, go up a couple of reps

Step 3 - When you reach 5x8 with this weight, increase by up to 5 kg and do the same

Step 4 - Rinse and Repeat


Increase Reps

In the simple progression we showed above, it became clear that increasing the weight is accompanied by increased reps.


This is the second most common way to progressively overload, and it may just be less strenuous and have a slightly lower risk of injuries.


Realising it is pretty simple - monitor your sets and add a couple of reps here and there.


Increase Sets

Besides increasing the reps done and the weight used, you can also opt for an increase in the total number of sets completed.


You've done 5x8 for some time and can't quite feel it?


Add another set of 8!


This is the third most common way to progressively overload and combined with the second one (increasing reps), it's a fantastic way to increase the total work you've done during a workout.


Decrease Rest

The most unusual way of realising progressive overload is by decreasing rest times between sets. 


In other words, you make the body do the same amount of work in less time. 


This is a form of progressive overload that is often overlooked. Decreasing rest times forces the body to work harder and adapt to new demands. 


This can lead to increased muscle size and improved strength and endurance. 


So if you're looking for a way to take your training to the next level, try decreasing your rest times and see how your body responds. 


You might be surprised at the results.


Final Words

So, what is the first rule of muscle gaining? It's not just about increasing the weights used. 


It would be best if you challenged the muscles in new ways.


But remember that you must also eat enough protein and get good sleep. 



By following this simple (but practical) advice, you can start getting results in no time at all!


And as always, if you need an extra helping hand, don't hesitate to reach out to us!


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