Trends VS Sustainable Habits

Trends VS Sustainable Habits
Cedric Levy

How many times have you started a brand new diet or fitness plan, vowing that this is the time you finally stick with it? 


And how many times has that failed after just a few weeks? 


Yeah, we get it... but listen, you're not alone. Every other day, there's a new trend in the health and fitness world, but most of them don't last. 


So what's the key to sustainable progress? In this article, we'll learn more about just that!


The Fad Culture

From at-home fitness equipment to the latest workout trend, it seems there's always something new to help people reach their fitness goals. 


And while there's nothing wrong with wanting to stay in shape, the constant procession of new fitness fads can be overwhelming and costly. 


It can be hard to keep up with the latest craze and even harder to know if it's worth the investment. 


Moreover, many of these trends are simply rehashes of older ideas with a new name or gimmicky spin. 


So before you buy that trendy new workout DVD or sign up for that cutting-edge fitness class, ask yourself if it's worth your time and money. 


Chances are, you can get as good results without spending much money on the latest fad.


Most of all, though, remember…


Fitness Is… Cultivation!

So you want to get in shape. Great! Getting fit is one of the best things you can do for your health, energy levels, and overall wellbeing. 


But where do you start? And how do you make sure that you stick with it? 


First, it's important to acknowledge that the fitness journey is a process of experimentation and discovery, of figuring out what works for you and what doesn't. 


It's about finding sustainable habits that you can stick to in the long run. 


And it's not a "one size fits all" proposition - what works for one person might not work for another. 


This is why we believe that any fitness journey is a cultivation process.


Cultivation of constructive habits that you can stick to in the long term.


And pass it down to the next generation.


Always About The Big 3

While trends may come and go, three essential fitness and health components remain the same.


These are, in fact, the things that will yield most of your results when completely optimised.


Let's have a look at the big 3!



Nutrition is a tricky business. There are so many factors to consider, and it can be hard to know where to start. 


Supplements are one popular option, often portrayed as "the easy solution," but it's important to remember that no supplement can replace a good nutrition plan. 


A healthy diet is the foundation of good health, and you should only use supplements to fill in the gaps (if there are any.)


Here are our five favourite foods that we believe everyone should include on their menu:


1. Grass-Fed/Grass-Finished Beef (Meat and organs)

2. Pasture-Raised Eggs

3. Dairy Products

4. Various fruits & vegetables

5. Seafood


Focus on these, add in your favourite cheat foods here and there, and you will have an easily sustainable, nutritious and tasty nutrition plan!



Think about the last time you moved something heavy. Maybe it was a piece of furniture or a grocery box filled to the brim. 


You probably had to use extra effort to get it from point A to point B. 


Imagine if moving that heavy object was a regular part of your life. 


You'd quickly become stronger and more muscular, wouldn't you?


That's essentially what resistance training does for your body. By regularly working against resistance - whether from weights, bands, or your body weight - you can make serious gains in strength, size, and endurance. 


Moreover, resistance training can have additional benefits, from improving bone density to boosting metabolism and overall health.


In other words, resistance training is one of the best choices anyone can make for their health and fitness. 


And... No trend can replace it. 


All you have to do is STOP doing trendy Instagram workouts and focus on learning and applying the theory of training!


This is our call for you to do just that.



It's no secret that when you feel good, you perform better. And yet, despite this common knowledge, many of us go about our day-to-day lives, neglecting our wellbeing. 


We push ourselves to the limit, both mentally and physically, without taking the time to refuel and recharge. 


But what if I told you there was a way to get ahead without sacrificing your health? 


It sounds too good to be true, but it is possible - and it all starts with understanding the importance of recovery.


When you combine nutrition and training with a good recovery plan, wellbeing is imminent. 


A good recovery plan ensures you get enough rest to allow your body to repair itself. 


Indeed, nutrition is a significant component of recovery, but you also have to pay attention to other pieces of the puzzle, including:


1. Sleep

2. Stress management

3. Sports massages


When you take care of yourself this way, you will find that you have more energy, focus, and drive - everything you need to succeed in any area of your life.


And remember... Before purchasing the latest recovery supplement, ensure you have nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress management, and tissue work (massages) down to a solid routine!


Final Thoughts

Fitness is ever-evolving. When you think you've finally found your groove, a new exercise class or diet trend emerges, leaving you feeling out of shape and out of touch. 


But maybe it's time to rethink our approach to fitness. Rather than chasing the latest fad, we should focus on creating sustainable habits that will last a lifetime. 


This means finding activities that we enjoy and that fit into our busy schedules. 


It might also mean making minor changes to our diets, like eating more protein, fruits, and vegetables or drinking more water. 


By taking a long-term view of fitness, we can learn to love movement and make it a part of our daily routine. 


And that's something worth sweating for.


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