Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

The Science of Post-Workout Naps

A nap may seem unnecessary after an intense bout of strength training, metabolic conditioning, or high-intensity intervals. However, quality sleep is critical for muscle recovery, cognitive function, and performance. Here’s an in-depth look at the proven benefits of napping after exercise and how to optimise your post-workout nap schedule.

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

Genetics of Obesity and Eating Behaviour: Insights from Twin Studies

Twin studies have historically served as a powerful tool to disentangle the roles of genetics and environment in various traits and conditions. Regarding obesity and eating behaviour, these studies have provided valuable insights into the complex interplay between nature and nurture. Here, we delve into what twin studies have taught us about the genetic underpinnings of obesity and our eating habits.

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

Sensory Diet: How the Textures and Temperatures of Foods Influence Satiety and Weight Loss

Recently, the concept of a "sensory diet" has gained traction in nutritional and health circles. Beyond the caloric and macronutrient content of what we eat, the sensory attributes of food – notably its texture and temperature – have been found to have a significant impact on our feeling of fullness (satiety) and, consequently, our overall calorie consumption and weight loss efforts. Let's delve into the intricate relationship between the sensory qualities of food and our dietary habits.

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Exercise, Fitness Cedric Levy Exercise, Fitness Cedric Levy

Practical Guide to Tabata Intervals

Tabata interval training has surged in popularity as an efficient, intense workout method shown to torch calories and boost cardiovascular fitness. The signature Tabata protocol only takes 4 minutes but delivers significant benefits. Here is a comprehensive overview of effectively implementing Tabata intervals into your exercise routine.

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

Optimal Pre-Workout Snack Recipes

Fueling properly before a workout is crucial for boosting performance, maintaining energy levels, and powering without bonking. The physiology behind why proper pre-workout fueling is so important comes down to how our body uses macronutrients for energy.

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Fitness, Health Cedric Levy Fitness, Health Cedric Levy

Fitness Routines of the Far East: An In-depth Look at Traditional Chinese Body Conditioning Exercises

The East has always been a treasure trove of profound wisdom in philosophy and health practices. Chinese culture, in particular, with its thousands of years of recorded history, has developed an array of body conditioning exercises and fitness routines that prioritise not just the physical aspect of health but also mental and spiritual wellness. These routines provide a holistic approach to fitness, focusing on harmony, balance, and the flow of energy or 'Qi'. Let's dive deep into some of these traditional Chinese exercises and their numerous benefits.

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Sports-Specific, Prehab/Rehab, Fitness Cedric Levy Sports-Specific, Prehab/Rehab, Fitness Cedric Levy

Essential Mobility Exercises For Common Sports

Dynamic stretching and mobility exercises are a vital part of any pre-workout warm-up. Improving mobility and range of motion in the joints and muscles prepares the body for athletic performance and helps prevent injury risk. The mobility requirements can vary widely depending on the sport. Here are some of the best mobility drills for pre-workout based on the typical sports of running, tennis, basketball, and weight training.

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Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy

Blue Zones Diet: Dietary Secrets from the World's Longest-Living Communities

The concept of "Blue Zones" was introduced to the world through the investigative journalism of Dan Buettner, who collaborated with National Geographic and a team of longevity researchers to uncover the lifestyle secrets of communities with unusually high numbers of centenarians – those who live past 100 years of age. These pockets of extraordinary longevity are found in specific regions worldwide, namely Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California.

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Nutrition, Health, Changing Habits Cedric Levy Nutrition, Health, Changing Habits Cedric Levy

Biohacks for Night Owls: Adjusting Fitness and Nutrition Strategies for Those Who Thrive at Night

Night owls often find themselves swimming against the tide in a world dominated by early risers. But with changing work cultures and the flexibility offered by remote jobs, many are embracing their nocturnal inclinations. Adjusting their fitness and nutrition can make a world of difference for those who find energy spikes in the late hours. Here's a guide tailored specifically for the night owl seeking to optimise their health and well-being.

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Beginner’s Guide to Sprint Intervals

Sprint interval training (SIT) has become an incredibly popular workout method for professional athletes and regular fitness enthusiasts. This intense high-intensity interval training provides significant exercise benefits like increased endurance, fat-burning, and improved cardiovascular health. The great news is that with proper preparation, even beginners can incorporate sprint intervals into their workouts to reap the rewards.

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

Ancient Grains in Modern Nutrition - Part 1: A Historical Glimpse and Global Overview

Amidst the abundance of processed foods and modern culinary innovations, there's a growing global movement towards foods that have sustained our ancestors for centuries. Ancient grains, integral to the diets of ancient civilisations, are now returning to contemporary kitchens. These grains aren't just nutritious powerhouses; they connect us to our past and offer an earth-friendly approach to modern nutrition.

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Fitness, Cardio Training, Weight Loss Cedric Levy Fitness, Cardio Training, Weight Loss Cedric Levy

A comprehensive guide to starting a walking routine for weight loss

This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to successfully start and stick with a walking routine tailored for weight loss. Whether your goals are to lose 10 pounds or 100+ pounds, walking can get you there. With the right approach to pacing, distance, frequency, nutrition and motivation, walking can whip you into shape and turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

Weight Loss Plateaus: The Metabolic Adaptations and How to Overcome Them

Embarking on a weight loss journey has its challenges. The weight loss plateau is one of the most troubling yet familiar obstacles individuals face. Despite maintaining dietary restrictions and exercise regimens, weight loss stalls in this frustrating period. This article aims to dissect the science behind this phenomenon, understand the metabolic adaptations, and provide strategies to overcome weight loss plateaus

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Cardio Training, Aerobic Training, Fitness Cedric Levy Cardio Training, Aerobic Training, Fitness Cedric Levy

The Science Behind the Runner's High: Endorphins and Exercise

One of the most captivating aspects of regular physical activity, especially running, is the euphoric feeling of accomplishment and exhilaration experienced post-workout, often called the "runner's high". Despite its name, this phenomenon isn't exclusive to runners; any form of sustained, vigorous exercise can elicit it. But what's the biology behind this phenomenon? Let's lace up our metaphorical running shoes and dive into the world of endorphins and exercise.

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Fitness, Mindset Cedric Levy Fitness, Mindset Cedric Levy

Timing Your Fitness Journey: When to Begin Based on Your Goals

Embarking on a fitness journey is a significant commitment that requires careful planning, unwavering determination, and immense discipline. While the first step is often the hardest, timing your start appropriately can make a substantial difference in the effectiveness of your efforts. In this article, we explore the importance of timing in commencing your fitness journey, highlighting its role in achieving your desired health outcomes.

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Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment: Insights into the Psychological and Physiological Impact of Severe Calorie Restriction

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment, conducted between November 1944 and December 1945, is a cornerstone study in psychology and nutrition. Led by physiologist Ancel Keys and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota, the experiment aimed to understand better the physiological and psychological effects of severe dietary restriction—a reality faced by many across war-torn Europe during World War II.

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Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy

The Microbiome Diet: Can Altering Your Gut Flora Aid Weight Loss?

Over the past few years, our understanding of the human microbiome – the billions of microorganisms that inhabit our bodies – has grown exponentially. These tiny tenants, especially those in our gut, are now known to play a critical role in our overall health, influencing everything from digestion and immune function to mental health. More recently, an intriguing question has been brought to light: could our gut flora also affect our weight? Let's delve into the burgeoning field of microbiome diet and explore whether tweaking our gut flora could aid weight loss.

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Health Cedric Levy Health Cedric Levy

The Fountain of Youth: Decoding the Science of Anti-Aging and Practical Strategies for Longevity

The quest for eternal youth is a pursuit that has intrigued humans since time immemorial. With advances in the scientific understanding of biological ageing processes, we are closer than ever to elucidating the mechanisms of ageing and developing strategies to slow it down. The concept of anti-ageing, previously relegated to the realms of science fiction and fantasy, is now a thriving field of research.

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Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy

Science of Sugar Addiction: A Comprehensive Review

Sugar, in its many forms, has become an almost inescapable part of our modern diets. The sweet stuff is everywhere, from the obvious culprits like candies and sodas to less obvious ones like bread and salad dressings. As sugar consumption has risen, so have concerns about its effects on our health – especially around sugar addiction. But is sugar genuinely addictive? Let's explore the science behind this controversial topic.

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Health, Fitness Cedric Levy Health, Fitness Cedric Levy

Is Biohacking a Real Thing? What Does Science Have to Say

Biohacking, a term that has gained popularity over the past decade, is a concept that embodies the human desire to understand, control, and improve our biology. It represents a broad spectrum of practices and pursuits, from DIY biology experiments and quantified self-movement to various supplements, devices, and techniques intended to 'hack' one's biological systems to achieve desired outcomes like enhanced cognitive function, physical performance, or longevity. But is biohacking a real thing? And what does science have to say about it? Let's dive in.

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