5 Reasons You SHOULD Hire A Coach

So you've decided to get fit, eh? Good for you! But hold on a second there, cowboy.

You might think that going it alone is the best way to achieve your fitness goals, but you'd be wrong.

Hiring a coach is one of the most brilliant things you can do to guarantee your fitness success.

Wondering why? Here are the five reasons you SHOULD hire a coach!

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Training Periodisation And Why You Should Do It

Are you one of those people that hates change? If so, I have bad news for you: to see results in your fitness journey, you'll have to change things up every once in a while.

One way to do this is through training periodisation.

But what exactly is that? And more importantly, why should you do it?

Let's take a closer look.

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Mindset, Goal-Setting Cedric Levy Mindset, Goal-Setting Cedric Levy

How To Effectively Set Goals (And Crush Them)

We are six months deep into the year, and we know that the general population isn't reaching their New Year's resolutions, or at least not so far.

Only 2-3% of people successfully follow through with their goals.

If you're in the 97% of people who fail to meet their objectives, don't fret - setting and reaching goals is a process that can be mastered with little effort.

In this article, we'll go through our take on this topic to help you set goals… and crush them!

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