Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

Spotting 101: Your Ultimate Guide to Safe and Effective Weightlifting

Hey there, fitness enthusiasts and busy parents! Are you ready to take your strength training to the next level? Whether you're a gym regular or just getting started with weights, understanding proper spotting techniques is crucial for safe and effective workouts. In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about spotting - from basic rules to advanced techniques for specific exercises. So grab your water bottle, and let's dive in!

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Fitness, Strength Training, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Fitness, Strength Training, Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

3 Powerful Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Knees and Hamstrings

Hey there, active adults and restless parents! Are you looking for a way to keep your knees healthy and strong while juggling your busy lifestyle? Look no further! We've got three amazing yoga poses that will help strengthen your knees, hamstrings, and the muscles around your knee joint. These poses are perfect for anyone with knee pain or looking to prevent knee injuries. So, let's dive in and discover how yoga can help you build strength and flexibility in your lower body!

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Cardio Training, Aerobic Training Cedric Levy Cardio Training, Aerobic Training Cedric Levy

The Ultimate Guide to Heart Rate Variability: Unlocking Better Health and Fitness

Hey there, fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious warriors! 👋 Have you heard much buzz about heart rate variability (HRV) lately? If you're wondering what all the fuss is about, you've come to the right place! 🎉

In this ultimate guide, we'll dive deep into HRV and explore how this powerful metric can be a game-changer for your overall health, fitness, and well-being. Get ready to unlock the secrets of HRV and take your journey to peak performance to new heights! 🚀

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Fitness, Health, Strength Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy Fitness, Health, Strength Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy

Unleash the Power of HIIT: A Comprehensive Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training

HIIT, also known as interval training, is a form of exercise that alternates between short bursts of intense activity and periods of lower-intensity recovery. This unique approach to exercise has gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. HIIT provides a challenging and dynamic workout and offers a wide range of health benefits that can help you achieve your fitness goals in a fraction of the time compared to traditional endurance training.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of HIIT, its numerous benefits, practical exercises, and expert tips to help you incorporate this powerful workout into your routine.

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Nutrition Cedric Levy Nutrition Cedric Levy

Boost Your Health: Creative Ways to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Every Day

Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet is one of the best ways to enhance your overall health. However, many people struggle to meet the daily recommended intake for various reasons such as taste preferences, lack of time, or simply forgetting to include them in their meals. This article explores practical and creative ways to sneak fruits and vegetables into your diet, ensuring you reap numerous health benefits without feeling forced to eat them.

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Fitness, Strength Training Cedric Levy Fitness, Strength Training Cedric Levy

Primal Movement: A Functional Fitness Journey for Active Adults and Restless Parents

In our fast-paced, modern lives, losing touch with our bodies' innate abilities and the primal movements that once defined our existence is easy. But what if we told you that rediscovering these fundamental movement patterns could unlock a world of functional fitness, improved mobility, and overall well-being? Primal movement workouts offer a refreshing and effective approach to exercise, catering to the needs of active adults and restless parents alike.

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Nutrition, Cardio Training, Aerobic Training Cedric Levy Nutrition, Cardio Training, Aerobic Training Cedric Levy

Fasted Cardio: The Ultimate Guide for Weight Loss and Fat Burning

Are you tired of hitting plateaus in your weight loss journey? Have you been curious about the buzz surrounding fasted cardio and its potential benefits? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we'll explore exercising on an empty stomach and how it can supercharge your fat-burning efforts.

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Mindset Cedric Levy Mindset Cedric Levy

How to Stop Bad Habits from Derailing Your Progress

Bad habits can derail your progress and sabotage your results. These habits are the antithesis of keystone habits, positive behaviours that can spark a chain reaction of other good habits. Understanding how to stop bad habits requires a deep dive into the mechanics of habit formation, particularly the concept of habit loops.

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Core Strength, Fitness Cedric Levy Core Strength, Fitness Cedric Levy

Building Core Strength Without Extra Core Exercises: A Comprehensive Guide for Active Adults and Restless Parents

Training your core is essential for overall fitness, but finding the time for dedicated core exercises can be challenging, especially for active adults and restless parents. The good news is that you can build core strength without adding extra core exercises to your routine. This guide will show you how to engage your core muscles effectively during your regular workouts, helping you achieve a strong core, improve core stability, and alleviate back pain.

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Aerobic Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy Aerobic Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy

Unlock the Power of Zone 2 Cardio: A Beginner's Guide for Active Adults and Restless Parents

In this beginner's guide, we'll explore the world of zone 2 cardio, its benefits, and how to seamlessly incorporate it into your routine. Get ready to unlock a sustainable and effective way to improve your endurance, burn fat, and enhance your overall well-being – all while fitting exercise into your busy lifestyle.

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Cedric Levy Cedric Levy

Understanding the Science Behind Why We Always Have Room for Dessert

Have you ever wondered why you always have room for dessert, even when completely full? There's a scientific reason behind this phenomenon, which all comes down to sensory-specific satiety. This quirky trick explains why we can eat dessert even when we feel full after a meal.

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Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

Isolating the Abs, Calves, and Arms: Why Do It?

In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, the debate over isolation exercises for specific muscle groups like the arms, calves, and abs is almost as old as the discipline itself. The central question revolves around whether engaging in the big lifts—those compound movements that recruit multiple muscle groups simultaneously—is sufficient for developing these smaller yet aesthetically significant muscles or if targeted isolation work is required for optimal growth and strength gains.

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Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy Nutrition, Health Cedric Levy

The Ultimate Guide to Vegan Supplements: Ensuring Optimal Health and Performance

Adopting a vegan lifestyle offers numerous benefits for personal health and the environment. However, by excluding animal products, vegans may miss out on essential nutrients typically abundant in animal-derived foods. This guide explores the key supplements necessary for maintaining optimal health, especially for those engaging in intense physical activities or aiming for muscle development.

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Fitness, Health Cedric Levy Fitness, Health Cedric Levy

The Best Time of the Month for Losing Fat: A Guide for Active Adults and Restless Parents

Understanding the rhythmic dance of hormones within your body can be your greatest ally in the quest for weight loss and athletic performance. For many women, the journey to lose weight feels like a rollercoaster of highs and lows, with periods of feeling fit and energetic suddenly plummeting into days of sluggishness and discomfort—without any apparent change in diet or exercise routine.


This experience, far from being a mere consequence of inconsistency or lack of effort, is deeply rooted in the biological ebb and flow of the female menstrual cycle. Spanning approximately 28 days, this cycle dictates reproductive health and significantly influences your body's metabolic rate and ability to use fat as fuel.

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Fitness Cedric Levy Fitness Cedric Levy

Staying Fit on the Go: Hotel Workouts for Every Traveller

Travel often means breaking from our usual routines, exploring new places, and indulging in the local cuisine.

However, for many of us, maintaining a fitness routine is a non-negotiable part of our daily lives, contributing to our physical and mental well-being.

The challenge, then, becomes finding ways to exercise in the less-than-ideal conditions of hotel rooms or short-term rentals. The good news is that staying fit on the go is achievable with creativity and minimal equipment.

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Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy Prehab/Rehab Cedric Levy

Discover the Comfort of Silk Sleep Masks: Your Ultimate Guide for Restful Nights

In our fast-paced world, achieving a good night's sleep can sometimes feel like a luxury we can't afford. But what if the secret to better sleep could be as simple as choosing the right sleep mask? Whether you're an active adult juggling a hectic schedule or a parent dealing with restless nights, a high-quality silk sleep mask offers a convenient and effective solution. It's a practical choice that can be easily incorporated into your bedtime routine, potentially transforming your sleep experience.

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Strength Training, Fitness Cedric Levy Strength Training, Fitness Cedric Levy

Revolutionise Your Workout with These 10 Bench Press Variations

Bench pressing is not just an essential exercise; it's a fundamental part of strength training that targets the upper body effectively. Whether you're a gym newbie or a seasoned lifter, incorporating various bench press variations can enhance muscle growth, improve strength, and prevent workout monotony. Here are 10 bench press variations that can transform your routine and keep your workouts exciting.

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