Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

Beginner Training: An Introduction

You've probably seen those crazy Crossfit people on social media, straining and sweating through impossible workouts.

You might have even thought, "How do they do that? I could never do something like that. Is that what I need to be in shape? Impossible!"

But you don't have to be a Crossfit enthusiast to reap the benefits of strength training.

Beginner training is a simple and effective way to improve your health and fitness levels.

This guide will introduce you to beginner training basics so you can start getting in shape today.

And so, are you ready to learn? Let's get started!

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Strength Training, Fitness Cedric Levy Strength Training, Fitness Cedric Levy

What's The Best Time To Train?

Are you a morning exerciser or prefer to be in the night owl club?

Have you ever wondered which time of day is the best for getting your workout done?

If so, get ready to learn the science behind the best time to train.

Whether during primetime hours, pre-work in the am, or post-day adventure in the pm, understanding how and when our bodies work optimally can equip us with all we need to hit our desired goals faster - however that looks like to each one of us!

We'll dive into all there is to know about optimising training and why timing matters, so read on!

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Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

The 21st Century Testosterone Pandemic

As 21st-century guys, we strive to "be the man" in all aspects of our lives – career, family, and fitness.

But when it comes to testosterone levels, many men find themselves falling short of the mark.

We hit the gym week after week with hopes of rising up a notch on the proverbial alpha male totem pole but often end up feeling disheartened by a general lack of results.

This can be attributed to a phenomenon known as "testosterone deficiency," Today, I'm going to discuss why this is happening more so than ever in modern society and what you can do about it!

But first, let's cover some basics.

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Health, Fitness, Strength Training Cedric Levy Health, Fitness, Strength Training Cedric Levy

Do Alcohol & Fitness Go Along Well?

Are you a gym goer who loves to party? At first glance, these two lifestyles may seem like they don't mix.

One is known for promoting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and the other is perceived as potentially damaging.

But is it true that alcohol and fitness can't possibly coexist peacefully?

Let's break down this complicated relationship between working out and drinking so you can decide how best to combine your two passions.

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Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

The First Rule Of Muscle Gaining

If there's one thing I've learned in the gym, it's that there are many basic rules you should abide by.

And if you want to make gains, you'd better learn them fast.

Another thing is that there are no shortcuts - you have to put in the work.

And it's not just hard work; it must be smart work - working hard around the fundamental principles.

This is especially valid for a challenging process like muscle gaining, but rest assured - with a bit of dedication and knowledge, you can turn your body into a lean, mean muscle-building machine.

In this article, we'll talk about the fundamental principle of muscle growth that you can't "hack" your way around.

Let's get started!

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Fitness, Health, Strength Training Cedric Levy Fitness, Health, Strength Training Cedric Levy

The 5 Best Bodyweight Exercises

A solid workout routine is of significant importance for your overall fitness and well-being, that's for sure.

But sometimes, you know... life gets in the way, and we can't make it to the gym.

That's where bodyweight exercises come in!

Bodyweight exercises (known as callisthenics) are an efficient way to get a quick, effective workout without any equipment.

Plus, you can do these workouts practically anywhere.

This blog post will share the five best bodyweight exercises to give your entire body a superb workout.

Without further ado, let's get to it!

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Training VS Exercising | Are You Training Effectively?

I'm sure you've heard it before: "No one ever regrets going to the gym." But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why?

Is it because we're all so happy and fulfilled after a good workout?

Or could it be that, deep down, we all know that if we don't go to the gym, we'll regret it later?

Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit.

The truth is, there are plenty of reasons to hit the gym other than just avoiding regret.

But at the end of the day, most people go to the gym because they want to see results.

And when it comes to training effectively, knowing whether you're actually working out or just exercising can make all the difference.

So what's the difference between the two? Keep reading to find out!

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Strength Training, Fitness Cedric Levy Strength Training, Fitness Cedric Levy

Training Alone VS With A Gym Buddy

Solo gyming is underrated. You get into the zone by yourself and can blast your Spotify playlists as loud as you want.

But what about when you need that push to finish your last rep or set?

Enter: the Gym Buddy!

Working out with someone else not only amps up the fun factor but also motivates you to achieve more.

So, which one is better for your fitness goals: training alone or with a gym buddy?

Read on to find out!

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Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

The 5 Exercises You MUST Do

We all know we should exercise, but sometimes it's hard to motivate ourselves to get moving.

After all, so many different exercises are out there, and it can be tough to decide which ones are worth our time.

That's why we've put together a list of the five exercises you absolutely MUST do.

Trust us, these moves are worth the effort and will get you the most bang for your buck!

But before we check out the specific exercises, let's briefly talk about the two types of exercises.

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Training Periodisation And Why You Should Do It

Are you one of those people that hates change? If so, I have bad news for you: to see results in your fitness journey, you'll have to change things up every once in a while.

One way to do this is through training periodisation.

But what exactly is that? And more importantly, why should you do it?

Let's take a closer look.

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Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

Training Intensity - Is The More, The Better?

If there's one thing I've learned about training, it's that there are a lot of opinions out there on how to do it best.

Some people swear by high-intensity workouts, while others believe in taking things slow and steady.

So which is better, in the context of training intensity- more or less? Let's take a look at what we know thus far

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Fitness, Strength Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy Fitness, Strength Training, Cardio Training Cedric Levy

Weight Loss With VS Without Training

Losing weight is hard, and for many people, it seems impossible. And while diet and exercise are both key components to dropping pounds, many people don't have the time or energy to hit the gym regularly.

So what's the solution? Can you still lose weight if you don't train? The answer is yes. But the process and the result will be a bit more different.

This article will delve right into the question and give you insight into weight loss with versus without training.

From there on, you can make your own choices!

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Strength Training Cedric Levy Strength Training Cedric Levy

7 Myths About Glute Training Dispelled

Everyone wants a bigger set of glutes; it doesn't matter if you're a male or a female. We all love seeing nice-looking glutes on someone of the opposite sex, sometimes even on someone of the same sex.

Like everything in the fitness industry, glute training is surrounded by many myths and misinformation.

Our job is to set the record straight for glute development, once and for all!

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